Buoy 39912

Launch date: 5 April 2003 at 20:17 local time. Latitude: 60° 40.00´N, Longitude 151° 36.02´W

Buoy 39912 drifted in tidal loops in the region of The Forelands for almost two weeks before getting into the "Middle Rip". After two weeks, there was strong southward motion followed by looping again with the tidal currents in lower Cook Inlet. After many tidal cycles, it ran aground on the western shore. It was recoverd by David Coray, Silver Salmon Creek Lodge, and redeployed for us in the central inlet where it drifted again for about a week. It was recovered for us by Bob Collins of Ninilchik. Its latest position is shown by the red cross.


As part of the data processing, the velocity and acceleration are computed. Values which exceed reasonable threshold values are deleted until all values are within acceptable limits. The below figure shows the final values.


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